Consuelo Mack
Tearing Down The Pink Wall Advisory Board
Consuelo Mack, Tearing Down The Pink Wall Advisory Board, joined CNBC in 1998 as part of the network’s strategic alliance with Dow Jones and is one of the most accomplished women in business journalism.
In addition to being CNBC’s senior correspondent, she is also anchor and managing editor of “The Wall Street Journal Report” -- positions she has held since 1987. Winner of an Overseas Press Club Award and nominated for an Emmy Award for Excellence in Background and Analysis, “The Wall Street Journal Report” is a nationally syndicated business, financial and economic news program, distributed and produced by CNBC. The half-hour weekly newscast provides the clarity, depth and insight of ‘The Wall Street Journal” in a television magazine format.
Additionally, Mack has been anchor and editor of “The Asian Wall Street Journal Report,” a weekly business program syndicated throughout Asia. She also hosted the 1996 PBS documentary series “Emerging Powers” and the 1994 PBS special “Pacific Rift.”
In 1986, before joining “The Wall Street Journal Report,” Mack was anchor and executive editor of “Today’s Business,” TV’s first nationally syndicated daily business news program. She has been a contributing reporter on NBC’s “Today” Show, and from 1982 to 1986 was founding news editor and co-anchor of the ACE Award-winning “Business Times,” a live hour-long daily news program on ESPN.
Prior to her television career, Mack held a number of research and money-management positions at prominent Wall Street investment firms, including Merrill Lynch and Mitchell Hutchins. She is the recipient of an Outstanding Young Women in America Award and a Media Award for Excellence in Advancing Financial Understanding presented by the New York Chapter of the International Association for Financial Planning. Mack was recently honored by the Women’s Economic Round Table with their first Lifetime Achievement Award for Women in Print and Electronic Financial Journalism. Mack graduated from Sarah Lawrence College with a bachelor’s degree in English literature, history and political science.